On October 24, I went on a campus trip to Chicago, IL for two days one night. I was told by my friends and knew about this trip. Actually, it was a great deal, $150 dollars for two days one night, included accommodation and tickets. I hesitated as I've been Chicago last year, but I missed couple attraction spots when I was there. So, I decided to join the trip.
Once you felt tired with what you are doing, I think it's good for you to take a break and walk away for a vacation. That's happened to me all the times. Sometimes, I think it's good as when you step back and you probably will see thing more "clear". Well, actually just give myself an excuse to take a break to runaway! hehe...
By saying all these, this is my second trip to Wind City, Chicago, IL. I never ever joined the campus trip and this happened to be my very first time, which actually is good as I was being able to experience different kind of traveling. Obviously, It was a little bit different compare with my last trip to Chicago. It was more organize and relaxing, as everything was being organized. It was relaxing as I do not have to rush from one to another attractions, all I need to cover was what I've missed in my last trip. Let's check out the pics!
After uploaded our luggages, we headed to Chicago Chinatown for our lunch. We actually decided to have Malaysian cuisine, but the restaurant was closed for some reasons. We ended up go for Hong Kong cuisine, which actually was great too! BBQ Chicken, pork, duck.... yummy!
Pictures from Chicago Chinatown:
Maple leaf turns red in Fall season, it was so beautiful!!!

We stopped by at Joy Yee Noodle for the bubble tea.

Oh my god! I never ever seen this big bowl noodle in my life. I wish I could try it that day! I think I will try it for sure in my third trip to Chicago. hehe.. It looks yummY....

Walk through Chicago Chinatown...

hanging out at subway station heading to Michigan Ave., downtown.

Pictures from Michigan Ave.:

We met a superb doggie on downtown street. Doggie's name is Sarah... Such coincidence, as my friend named Sarah too... Haha... It was funny!! She is adorable!!!

Water Tower Place

Presbyterian Chruch

It was really beautiful. I do not why they did that. I took it in front of the church.

Hancock Building... We didn't visit Hancock Obeservatory as we have only have one ticket for two option, which was either Hancock or Sears Tower. We decided to visit Sears Tower. So I took this pic.

Cheesecake Factory. It was so crowded!!

Water Tower entrance

Disney's store on Michigan Ave.

Walked through Michigan Ave...

Road Show... He is real!!!

Busy traffic on Michigan Ave.

Stopped by Guess...

Walked through Michigan Ave alone and stopped by at one of the unique buildings...

I was not sure what is the building for. Museum or Church??

Chicago is a wind city, it was freaking cold especially the chill wind in the air...


It was crowded!!

Pictures from Chicago River...

Darren and Sarah

Me and Elyn

Wind City... it messed up my hairstyle.. hehe...

We walked through Millennium Park, located at Michigan Ave. As you see from the picture, it the semi-circular peristyle Millennium Monument.

I love this unique sculpture, which look like a drop of liquid mercury or a bean. It is called Cloud Gate. It weighted over 110 tons. Cloud Gate is one of the largest outdoor sculputures in United States. That happened to my be favorite sculputure that I've never seen in my first trip.

hanging out at Cloud Gate for some pictures...

Elyn, Sarah, Leo and Darren are in the Cloud Gate

"Thousand Hands Buddha"... haha...

I was forced to do this pose... I knew it was disgusting... haha... Sorry... Just for fun... Rated as "PG"... haha... I hope you will not have nightmare after you saw this pic. haha...

Maple leaf turns red... beautiful!!

We got Navy Pier. It was around 7pm. It was getting darker and colder. The chill wind blew on my face and I felt freezing...

Here we go... Navy Pier!!! Navy Pier is the Chicago Children's Museum, it's some sort of amusement park. I missed it in my last trip at Chicago. But this trip, we got a free ticket to Navy Pier, including couple rides at amusement park. First I was impressed by the 146 ft. Ferries Wheel. I guess people were there just because of the Ferries Wheel. Of course, it was crowded and lot of children there. Here is the entrance of Navy Pier, Dock Street.

Navy Pier, Dock Street, obviously it is a pier and most of the cruise trip start from here to Chicago River. We got free ticket for the cruise trip. It's just simple because the trip need to take around two hours, and we decided not to go with that, plus the it was getting dark and chill and not much we could see for the trip.

Oh my god!! The most eye-catching Ferries Wheel!! It was so beuatiful with all the lights on!!!

Night view of Chicago...


Oh my god!! Look at my hairstyle, you pretty much can tell how windy it was!! The chill wind blew on my face and it was freezing....

It was Holloween weekend when we were there. So, there have some activities went on. Look!! They put on the costume. Can you tell the bride is actually a MAN... Yeah, "She" is a man!!! But "She" was pretty though... haha...
146 ft. Ferrier Wheel

They put their costume on... Actually, they were pretty scary... Me and Leo took picture with some "lady ghosts"

We rode the Ferries Wheel up to the highest point, around 146 ft. It was freezing and scary. The height and the strong wind made us felt like the cart was shaking... Pictures from the cart at Ferries Wheel at highest Point, 146 ft:

Night view of Chicago from 146 ft. Picture quality is not the best.

We walked through Navy Pier and stopped by at Italian Restaurant for our "snacks". It called "snacks" as we planned to have Deep Dish Pizza for dinner.

We caught up the fireworks show at 9pm. The fireworks show was about 30mins. It was an amazing shows, just right in front of Navy Pier. That was the best fireworks show that I ever seen in my life. Awesome!! I taped part of it, but for some reason I could not upload it to my blog!

After Navy Pier, we went for our Deep Dish Pizza at Dino Pizza Restaurant. I've been there once when I my first trip to Chicago with Lydia. I still remember we waited for an hour just for us to get into the restaurant and tried the freaking Deep Dish Pizza. I tried it and I felt like not a big deal, just a deep dish pizza. Personally, I am not that crazy about Pizza. But people say it is a "Must Try" things when you visit Chicago. So...
We visited again, it is simply because they havent been to the Deep Dish Pizza Restaurant. It was better compare with my very first time. It took us 30mins to get the freaking Deep Dish Pizza. I ate two slices and I felt full. It's a thick pizza I ever had in my life. Second try and I guess I will not try it again unless some people insist.

The night was still young. I felt like not going back to hotel yet, so I decided to walked through Chicago downtown. I have Sarah with me walked through the town. It was a nice walk, and I saw different view of Chicago downtown.
Second day at Chicago...
I woke up earlier than anybody, went downstairs to grab a coffee while waiting for everyone. We had a quick breakfast and headed to Sears Tower... One of the most famous attractions at Chicago, IL.
Sears Tower

Check it out!! My dream car!!

Here we go, Sears Tower

We got there around 10pm. SkyDeck... Sears Tower. It was the tallest building in the world. But was beaten up by Malaysia Twin Tower... keke... but now I think Taipei 101 is the tallest building in the world. I am not sure... Check it out and let me know next time... haha...

Here is the group picture that they took for us... After photoshop effect, It looks almost perfect! It costs me $21 for these two pics:

Sears Tower -- Skydeck

Before we up to the top of Sears Tower, we went to an introduction video of the history of Sears Tower... Just give us some head's up...

a model of Sears Tower.

We took the elevator from ground floor to 103th floor just in a few second. Here we go...

Chicago it tied up with the Lake of Michigan. Awesome!!! Nice view. I think this is my second time up to the building and glance to over the skyline. My first time happened in Malaysia, KLIA tower. It was amazing too. If you did browisng my blog, I guess you pretty much saw the pics from KLIA tower.

Chicago and Lake of Michigan Skyline. Chicago town glanced underneath the sun!!!

I think this is the nice view ever. I can imagine if this is the view from my office. Oh my god!! That will be great!!! It surrounded by all the tall buildings

Skyline of Lake of Michigan

Everything was tiny and I felt like Chicago town was under my knee.... haha...

He is the man--> Michael Jordan, Chicago Bulls. I havent got any chance to visit Chicago Bulls Studium. Maybe I should make a trip to Chicago Bulls Stadium next trip.

We also got a free ticket to Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, actually all the tickets were included in our package.

I missed the Astronomy Musuem too. Actually, it is pretty much like Singapore Science Center. But it is definitely more than what Singapore Science Center have. keke...

I was there for the show, but I fell sleep in the half way. It's simply because it was too comfortable and tired, I even snooze in the theater. Luckily, Sarah woke me up... haha... It was embarrassing!!

Chicago Lake Shore... Outside the Astronomy Museum... Chill wind and windy!!!

We went to Field Museum, which is the place that I missed in my last trip.

haha... Mummy return!!!

Real Mummy!!!

Couple shots from Field Musuem...
Native Americans

Dinosaur/ Sue

Our last spot was the Shed Aqurium. I did not join them for the Shed Aqurium as I've been there in my first trip. But I have a terrible walk through the grocery just for the freaking stamps. Round trip an hour walk in the wind city... The chill wind made me sick!!!!

We left Chicago around 7pm without having our dinner. We were hungry till we got Indianna and we got some snacks to fill up. Overall, I would not say it was a nice trip but it was worth for this trip. I did not spend much on this trip, just because it was so cheap and everything was almost included. If life is a drawing pad or a book, It definitely make my life more interesting and created another new page for my life....
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