Just a day after Las Vegas trip, we made a trip to Cedar Point, Ohio. We left in the morning and drove for two hours with the GPS on. Luckily we have the GPS with us, if not we probably got lost. Some pictures from the car:
On the way to Ohio... Long way drive, so we decided to entertain ourselves by taking pictures in the car. It was so funny!!

After two hours drive, we finally got dowtown Ohio. Again, my first time travel Ohio, so I was kind like excited and took couple pics from the car.

There is a Lake near the Cedar Point~ Check it out~~

We are pretty close to the destination~ Cedar Point!! We're coming!! Look!! You'll find the fastest and tallest roller coaster right there in Cedar Point!! It's scary~~ Check it out!!

Our destination~~ Cedar Point~~

The weather that day was pretty warm. We parked our car and ready to explore the world fastest and tallest Roller Coaster in Cedar point.

We spent some times in front of the entrance and tried to sell the extra ticket that we bought. We bought four admission tickets online. One of my friends could not make it and only three of us that day. So we decided to get rid of the ticket by trying to sell it a lower price. We spent 20mins to get rid of the ticket in front the ticket booth. We finally made, if not we have to "eat" the ticket!!
I planned to explored Cedar Point my first summer in United States, but for some reasons I could not make it. I am not that crazy about the Roller Coaster in Cedar Point... fine... Actually, I am scare!!! The Roller Coasters are really freaking high and scary!! The reason I was there is simply because I never been there and would like to travel a place that I never been. Let's walk through some places:
It was so crowded~~

Oh my god!! My first ride in the morning!!! Raptop!! I could not believe that I took my first Roller Coaster ever in my life. I was forced by Andy and Tat for the ride together. Alright, I said: "fine, I'll give it a try, asshole!!"

We spent like 45mins to line up just for a 10mins ride. It's normal in Cedar Point. People are willing to spend for an hour or more just for a 10mins ride. It was so crowded!! Look, long line!!!

Here you go!!! Damn!!! My leg is shaking!!!

No camera allowed when we took the ride. So no picture on the ride. Here is what happened after my first ride. I swear to God and said no more second ride in my life. My leg was shaking and felt like my soul was dragged by someone. Oh my god!!! I just do not like that feeling. That two assholes(Andy and Tat) were laughing at me!!!
After my first ride, I barely could not walk. They kept laughing at me!! "What's wrong with you, dude! It's fun and nothing to scare of!!" We headed to the second ride.

Check this out!!! My second ride-- maXair!!! Look, how tall that is!!! Maybe you think that's nothing~~


Here we go!!! Good luck!!!

Waiting to get killed!!! Line up for the maXair!!!

After maXair ride, I said " I'm done!!! No more ride!!!!" I was suffering instead of enjoying my rides. I was dragged by two assholes again!!! They were laughing at me again!!! They make me so embarrassed!!! They told me: "It's so fun and It's nothing!!! Come on, dude!!" I said: "Asshole, you guys knew I can't take it!!!" They laughed even loud at me!!! I almost want to kill them!!! I was glad that I am still alive!!!
We headed to the third ride. Wicked Twister!! It's a roller coaster with a twist!! Wicked Twister is the tallest and fastest double-twisting impulse roller coaster in the world. It has 215-foot tall with 72-mph steel stunner. Check out the pictures below:

I swear to them I will not take this ride, no matter what you said or how fun it is!! My answer is "No way!! You better kill me right the way!!" It was too scary and I was still panic after my first two rides. They dragged me in again!! No way!!! I successfully escaped!!!

I waited at the park and ready to take some pictures for them...

Their turn!! The picked the front seat!!! Oh my god!! They are insane!!

See you in hell, assholes!!!

one... two... three... bye now!! 72-mph!!! Insane!!

Again, I taped it but for some reasons I could not upload it to here. Will find out one day, so you all can enjoy the videos.

Haha... Hilarious!!! Idiot Tat!!! It looks like Snoopy is trying to cool him down!!

Making fun with Snoopy!! Trying to grab his cookies!!

Fighting for the cookies!! Hilarious!!! Awesome!!

My turn!!

Welcome to Snoopy world!!!

Power Tower-- 240-foot-tall tower, all in three seconds at more than 50-mph!!!

Tat was so lucky!! He stroke a lottery!! --> first prize that gave out by seagull!!! Seagull shited on his feet!!! Haha...

Nice cars!!! Awesome!!

Checking out the cars in front of the restaurant!!


Iron Dragon!!!


Millennium force!! 92-mph and 310 feet!!! It took them an hour to line up for the ride. Of course, I did not join them. That's insane!! Again, I waited for them and walked through the park and took some pictures!

Of course, there are a lot of activities going on in Cedar Point Amusement Park. Let's check out some pictures that I took from Cedar Point Amusement Park. Here we go...

Here is the Millennium Force!! Look!! How tall it is!! Insane!! I will never ever take this ride!!


M&M... haha!!


Hanging out in a store that with plenty of bottles!!

Hanging out with the animals!!

Oh my god!! Hilarious!! Good take!!

Green Pumpkins!!

Mr. Gay's show time!!


Another Mr. Gay!!

L.O.V.E for his girl!!!

My turn!!

"What are you guys doing!!!" xD

Lunch time!! Hot dog bun, Pepsi pop and Lay's Chips --> $5!!

I won "Family guy" in a basketball hoops!! I paid $5 for the game for 15 shots. If you make more than 5 shots, you'll get the prize. haha... I made it!! We taped it too, but I am be able to upload it for some reason. haha...

We won the ugly hats too!! Andy spent for $20 for the freaking ugly hats!!

Oh my god!! What's wrong with me... hha!!

We took a ride for Space Spiral, a Cedar Point landmark. It's rotating two level observation decks commanding views of Cedar Point Peninsula, Sandusky Bay and Lake Erie. Here are some pictures from Space Spiral. Check it out...

Wicked Twisted roller coaster!!

We headed to Giant Wheel that behind us!!!

Right on the Giant Wheel!! The 150-foot tall Giant Wheel provides us with a great view of the park. It was pretty scary especially when the strong wind blow and we could feel the car is shaking in the middle of the air.

We left Cedar Point around 5pm, as the weather turned to be rainy. We were tired but we had fun for sure. I did not really enjoy the rides that I took, because I do not like the feeling. I am glad that I am still survive!! I took 3 rides that day!! That's it!! I swear to God and said that I will never try any of the rides again. That's really killing me!!
Andy complained about we should take more rides. Obviously, he is the one who does not want to leave. He said it still not enough for me!! I said: " I am totally done!! You guys can just go ahead for the rides." Tat was tired and the weather turned to rainy, so we decided to leave for the day! We stopped by Ohio for dinner and headed back to Ann Arbor.
I did not enjoy the rides AT ALL but I did enjoyed the views and the games at Cedar Point!! Overall, it was a nice trip!!