Wow!! It's another year to be thankful. I just can't believe that this is my third Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a great and thankful Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day each year, Americans give thanks to Almighty God for all His blessings and mercies toward us throughout the year.

Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful for everything you are, have or had. To me, If you ask me, I would say I am truly blessed. I am thankful for the advices, kind words that so many of you have offered me during these years. I would not be who I am, where I am, and what I am today If It was not you all, and everything that I've experienced in my life.
For those who makes me smile or creates lot of sweet memories in my life, I thank you. Because you brighten up my day just by existing.

For those who made me upset, I thank you. Because I now know how to think in positive way without being upset. What goes around, comes around.

For those who made me weak at one point, I thank you. Because you have taught me how to be a stronger person.

For those who gives me kind words, advices, and guide me through when I am lost, I thank you. Because you let me know why I am here, what I need, where is my goal, and what I need to be.
People think the word "Thank you" is easy in our daily life. But, to me, that's far easier than done. Here I am sharing an article that I read couple weeks ago... It was about Sun and Moon. Here it goes...

Do you think Moonlight is much important than Sunlight? Most of the people's answer-- YES. And the following question is why?
Most of the people said--> Because everything is shone by Moonlight at night. However, it's bright enough at daytime, still sun shines. It seems like redundancy. You think it's funny? But It is true. People always think in this way.

The reason by saying all these, the point is people will always remember how important moonlight is at night, but forget the sunlight... just simply because sunlight is always there and you do not know how important it is. What I am going to say is, Sunlight is like you parents, family, and your true friends, there are always there, no matter what, but people always forget to say thank you them for being your side always.
On the other side, people always say thank you to others, say thank you to your boss, waiters, supervisors, even strangers, just like people think moonlight is important. But you'll never appreciated what your parent's efforts or your true friends' kind words and advices. If you think this is a make-up story, I am here telling you, That's true!! People always forget to thank you the person that always being your side and take it as granted. If you are the person, that this time out to thank you for the person or people around you. Your parents, your wife, your true friends... Being thankful of what you have, had, who you are. Give your parents, beloved, friends a kiss hug... When I say it means. I hope you get what my point and get what I am going to say...
A million thank you going on in this post for my family, friends, and buddies. Thank you and I will always be grateful. Well, how blessed am I? People said that you are defined by who you choose to be around... I guess that's true! I met some amazing people these years in my life, they guide me, teach me, share with me, hanging out with me... I never regretted when first day we met. These people brighten up my life...

Well, after all these thank you note and article sharing. Let's see what else I did during Thanksgiving breaks. Actually, what I did was eat... sleep... shopping... these days. It sounds pretty relaxing and enjoying. Yea.. It is!!
First, we started hanging out at Tee's house for potluck dinner as we used to do it last year. We ate Turkey, sipped wine, chitchat. Of course, we had a fun Turkey feast!
People usually shop around the day after Thanksgiving Day, It called Black Friday. It usually lot of great deals going on during Thanksgiving weekends. I've been shopped around these days. It does not mean that I am shopaholic. It is what Americans use to do after Thanksgiving Day. People shopped around for great deals, for their kids Christmas gifts. I shopped around for people gifts and for myself, of course. Overall, I spent quite much these days.
People said the whole world economy is in recession status now, but retailers' deep discounts boosted Black Friday Sales. Even though there is a massive lay off going on in United States, people still could not cut their spending. People have been lured by the retailers' deep discounts, so do I. People even got killed or injured during the Black Friday Sales at Wal-Mart simply because by pushing around too much. Greed makes people in the world sick. That was sad!
Well, eating... sleeping... shopping... all these concluded my Thanksgiving breaks. Yea, I gained some weights for sure, I need to spend more time to work out at Gym. Alright, I will leave it for now, if not It will be another long post again... peace!! :)
P/S: I have been lazy taking pictures for my blog lately. No picture during Thanksgiving break as I was TOO BUSY on eating, sleeping, shopping... Sorry :) Will get you more pics next post :-)