On February 20, I joined the Indonesian Culture Night at University of Michigan. It hosted by Indonesian Student Association of UM. It was a wonderful experience of joining this kind of event. This event was opened to public, so anyone who were interested in Indonesia Culture were welcomed to join. It was a wonderful night to explore Indonesia Culture, foods, instruments, performance, musics, dramas, etc. Everyone came from different ends to sharing the cultures. Of course, the typical foods were served to everyone before the performance. I was too busy on shooting and social with friends, so I didn't try much of their foods but drinks.
Willy, my Indonesian friend was invited to be the event volunteer photographer. He has the connection with Indonesian Student Association, so he brought me along to the field. Again, It was a wonderful shooting experience, just because of Willy's networking, we were able to get the VIP seats! I had a very nice learning opportunity to shoot in field. That happened to be my first time and I was nervous and excited. I learned as I shot, and I liked it. I took around 300 pics and ended up only fewer pictures got posted. Come on, there is a learning curves for everything... Let's check it out my pictures below from Indonesian Culture Night 2010. I posted them on my Facebook album too, and thanks y'all for the comments! :-)
We had permission to move around and get the best angles for the shots. Hope you'll enjoy the pictures below and again I welcome for any comments! :-)
We got to the site earlier and were be able to capture some make up scene. Let's check it out the make up session. Behind the scene:

Well, I hope you enjoy of browsing my blog entry. Again, I welcome for any comments. I went to Malaysian Culture Night and I did not bring my DSLR along, as we have no connection with Malaysian Student Association at UM, so no pictures from Malaysian Culture Night. Next post will be Japaneses Cultural Festival. Stay tuned.